Love Waterford is 100% funded by local donations and sponsors. 

Love Waterford's leadership team are all volunteers who donate their time to LOVE our community. All of our events, programs, and initiatives are possible thanks to the generosity of our local donors and sponsors, and our many volunteers.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE to the extent of the law.

How you can donate money:

Donate by Mail (Check/Cash)

Mail your cash/check to Love Waterford: PO Box 804 Waterford, CA. 95386 

Donate Toward Specific Projects/Events

You can gift your money towards a specific cause or event, by writing a fund resource on your check. Our designated funds are 1) Love Our Kids Programs (Comfort Kits/ Hygiene Kits / the Christmas Gifting Program/ foster & at-risk youth support and 2) Love Our Schools Programs (student mentoring, student and school support), and 3) Friday Night Market.

Donate Items

In addition to accepting monetary donations, we are happy to accept these needed items and can write you a tax receipt for any in-kind donations.

New Twin Mattresses

New or Gently Used Stuffed Animals

New Backpacks

New or Gently Used 

Furniture (As Needed)

Gift Baskets/ Gift Cards

Kids Bicycles 

Frequently asked donation questions

Can I give my sponsor donation in multiple increments?

Yes! You can gift your sponsorship balance all at once, or in up to four donations. 

Can I give anonymously?

Absolutely; just include a note with your donation that indicates you wish to remain anonymous.

Who do a write a check to?

You can write a check to LOVE WATERFORD, and mail it to PO Box 804, Waterford CA. 95386